Monday, 18 February 2013

Statement of Intent - Clear View of my Topic Area

A Clear View of What my Topic will be: 

I want to jus add in this short post and write a quick and Clear View of what my Own Project is going to be for this module.  I need to have 6 final Prints and want to show something with a theme all the way through the project imagery.

I have already looked at some photographers for this project that have relevance to the idea of what I am going to do.  John Schott's images of Route 66 are a series of 'motels' along the whole route, whenever he passed a different one he took a photo of it, whats interesting is how they look very different in comparison to each other,  Like I mentioned earlier, I want to convey that for example, one certain property and the way it looks could contain similarities to whomever owns it.  This would prove differences in the people and the differences in what the property looks like.  I do think that this is interesting as it reveals an insight almost to how one lives.

I also think that the point I am trying to get at, is that through a deadpan minimalist images of a property, the photograph will be left detached, and dispassionate, so why is there still something in the image that a viewer tries to get and tries to draw out from the meaning as to why it was taken.  Why would an image so straight set and simple like Lewis Batltz's, Industrial Parks, seem like it has so much meaning behind the series.  Having taken image's of the same area or the same subject holds a theme linking them altogether.   I plan to choose a certain idea of the 'same' topic, and use similarities to Baltz' technique on leaving the nothingness in the image.

There will be a reasoning behind the deadpan image that I will capture, I want to document the 'same so different' as well as drawing to the fact of the changing world.  Todays world are constantly constructing and building, Nature and the way people treat nature is not of any interest to many in so that they would for example, rather have a patio than the grass, rather have a garage than empty spaces. I will still think of pending idea of what I will shoot to show the same but different and the difference sin my images once I convey this.

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