Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Thomas Struth

This is one of the Ideas I had if I were to stick with shoot portraiture and the expressionless portrait like Thomas Ruff.  The reason this is still great for my work and still has a big link is because I am aiming to show the 'same' but 'different' within my images and here has exactly that.  
These Family Portraits by Thomas Struth, were taken the same year that he was commissioned to take a portrait of the Queen.  These Families are completely different in almost every way, every family id different, the thing I like about this work is that you can actually tell the differences in the families straight away by the way they are standing or sitting.  

These images are staged with a bit of direction by himself.  The families arrange themselves, and are asked to follow just one rule:  Everyone must look directly in the camera.  Each image captures three generations, inviting the viewer to imagine the relationships between the individuals. 
For Struth, the family portraits suggest inter-connectedness and individuality, representing both a shared genetic heritage, and the context in which individual personalities, psychologies and appearances are formed.  Exploring age, relationships and identities, they are, in Struth's words, "considered slices of an epic drama arrested in a certain moment". 

I would have loved to do an Idea like this one and explore how different, families can be from each other, I would probably do mine and compare families to my own.  I think this is something i will definitely try to do in the future because I know that I will not have the time to travel around to capture families in the time i have for this project. 

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