Thursday, 28 February 2013

Neil Slavin

So although I am not shooting portraiture anymore, I'd like to mention what one of my very first ideas were for this project and it was only once I had seen this top left image of the Twins convention.  Twins is a topic that I have always wanted to try out before and thought it was possible but over a long period of time.  Things changed for me and my ideas almost got realistic at the start of the project because My boyfriend is an Identical Twin !! 
I also considered producing a small 6 image series of him and his brother and try and show the connection between twins to other normal brothers.  I think this idea would have looked good, I could have asked for two sets of brothers, one pair identical twins and the other pair just some close brothers, and asks the to do the same thing, I'e stand in a pub, I could go and see the difference between them, which as far as I have noticed, twins do have that one special bond, that others twins will understand. 

Twins convention, Miss USA - very deadpan imagery - Capturing What is America

The reasoning for actually including this series of portraiture with my research about landscapes is just the fact that it fits into my ideas of the same so different, because each image is of a different group of people in America.  The general idea of taking a large photograph of a particular group that meet up is the same concept as each other but the complete series next to each other had completely different outcomes, image looks and feelings due to all the groups being so different and from different backgrounds. I love these Images and if I were able to concentrate of the portraiture side to deadpan and not the other deadpan types like the landscape I have been looking at, then I may have been able to try something like this out.  

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