Thursday, 28 March 2013

Idea 2 - Derelict Dartford

My second idea for this project would be what I would call "Derelict Dartford".
Dartford is my hometown and I have so many fond memories of the place when I was was walking through there every week and weekend with my friends, for most of my life.  It was always a place i liked and thought was ok.  It wasn't until I have come to University to the traditional seaside towns that I realised, every-time I was going back home for the day, and go into my hometown, I would see a new building bordered up and closes down and realised it is turning into a very poor conditioned town as a result of disuse and neglect

I went into my hometown not long ago and the Priory Centre in dartford I once knew had lots of small shops inside and was always busy, I went down there not long ago to walk through the centre and see empty shop next to empty shop.  All boarded up and neglected, and had consequently made dartford look as hell of a lot worse.  So for a place that holds so many memories for me, Now for me being away from home for three years and seeing the difference within the three years I think it looks shocking. 

The pub here for example, It was named "The Plough" and was a pub I remember going to years ago, a fun place, always busy, now closed down and boarded up and has been this way for years now. It is such a shame, but for my project idea i would raise the awareness by taking deadpan empty images of all of the closed down places in the hometown. I would show how in three years dartford now look derelict, empty and could have so much more.

I believe that this project could work really well and is still something i want to do even if not for this project - I would probably go very early in the morning to photograph the places as I would want no people to be seen in the images. I like this idea but will come back to it if I decide to use it. 

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