Saturday, 30 March 2013

Idea 3 - Behind the House !! FINAL IDEA

I came up with a third idea for this project and decided it was the one I was going to stick with as it is easiest to do on such a short amount of time.  Due to coming up with lots of different ideas, I decided this is the easiest and quickest out of the three. 

I live in dartford jus infront of a Heath, not dartford heath but a heath called Bowman heath.  It is a lovely area and I love not having anything back onto my family home and garden. My idea for this is to take images of the backs of people's gardens along my road that I live in.  I have put on the google map image of my road because we are along a set of house that have an ally way that goes up the sides of around 40ish different houses.  It is really hard to tell who's back of garden joins on the who's and who actually owns each one because some are detached house and some are not.  I live in a semidetached house but have one of the bigger gardens along the back.  I have put the bullet point on my house, right on the corner on the road, you can see our long garden that back onto the start of the heath. 

The idea again for this is to photograph every houses 'back of garden garages' along just the ally way around our set of houses.  The reason for this is to show how different some people like to live.  I said before how I liked Simone Nieweg's garden images and that I would consider this idea because of the personal affect it can have on the family living there.  It is a really short walk along the back ally by the garages but I hope they are all different.  
The other reason for carrying out this idea is because it fits into my "Same but Different" idea, as i will be technically taking the same image, of the back of someones garden, but there will be completely different outcomes. 

 Here shows the two entrances/exits to the ally and both ends.  I will literally walk through and see what I can get from this series and see how the people on this road come across by the way there back of house looks. I think it could be interesting to see how people look after the front of the house so much, but when it come to the back, have no interest in keeping it well presented and tidy. 

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