So from my paper copy of my book shown in the previous post, i was able to print all of my images in the right place, back to back to print and create into a handmade book. The one thing that let me down was printing on normal a4 paper, this meant that the pages themselves were flimsy but I resolved this by sticking some pages together. I only printed the photos on my printer at home, because it was just a test to see if I really liked creating a book.
It is something I would consider using again and creating but with different images. We were advised to think about creating a photo book as our final product for this module. It would be nice to have a final book with some new documentary images, as i feel documentary fits well into this particular style of work. I have taken documentary projects before but would like to work on one for this project and hopefully come up with a small series of my theme throughout called "Same so Different."
Here shows the book standing up so you can see the pages in between, and also the embossing stamp I used to create the title on the front of the book along with my name. I used white paper which made it very difficult to see the embossing so I would consider using a darker colour, maybe a dark grey colour next time, just so it is easier on the eye, i think the white is effective as you do not see it as much but I would like the viewer to see the name 'backstage' clearly, or the name of the other project. You can also see the stitching I used to put this book together, I think it is a great easy way of holding a handmade book as the sticking is small and tight.
I have used landscape and portrait shot image for this particular style of work for my backstage documentary but I know that if i was to create a book as a final piece for this module I would like to create them all landscape images as that is what I am looking into producing. Some double pages where the two images are both landscape you can get a feel as to what it would look like but I also really like the middle of the book which is the one image as a double page spread. I would consider using this more if I had a long documentary landscape series.
I am very happy with the book that i created even though it was just printed on normal paper, it still looks professional and smart. I really like that I used this project for the book and my tutor asked if I had used the project for a book before, and as I hadn't she suggested that I should. Obviously the final images i used were only 15, but these were only a few compared to the many I took on the shoot so I could potentially make this into a bigger book. I would like to consider this for my final and maybe even the subject matter too. I know I have decided against portraiture for this project so maybe if I come up with an interesting concept I could show in a handmade book.
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