Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Hand-BookMaking - Draft Copy

So, I had a class in which we had the chance to create our own photo books, this was a great thing, as I had never created my own handmade book before.  I had planned to make an interesting style with fold out sheets in all different ways, but when it came down to it, I wanted to just show my book in simple form.  Here are some images I have taken of my rough drawn up copy of what I want my book to look like. I have folded some A4 paper up and got enough sheets for my whole documentary series of 'Backstage', a project completed last year.  

I decided to use my 'Backstage' images to put into my hand made book as I had never used them in a book before, or even considered it.  I have decided to leave a white border around all of the pages and images, this hopefully will make my images stand out more once printed.  
The rough drawn up copy we were advised to put together because it make creating the book a lot easier when all the nice prints are there and ready to put together, the paper mock up will help to see how it all fits. This was also a plan of how to print each image, and what size, rotation, and image needs to go where for it to be printed correctly. This took me a little while to plan out, but now I have this paper copy the real thing should be easier to work with.

I wanted to include some fold outs in my book after looking at some famous Japanese photo books, they seemed really interesting and different, the colours also used for these books made them very unique.  Although I do like being unique, I then realised that i want this book to be quite plain, its black and white imagery so therefore, I do not want to splash too much colour around it.

My subject for this small book is called 'Backstage' and consists of some very bust behind he scenes of a dance show, I was able to capture the dancers from changing costumes, applying make up to dancing on the stage - this is something I really enjoyed doing and would consider doing again.  I do not think it fits well with this module, but this series will certainly look good in a hand made book.

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