Monday, 15 April 2013

William Christenberry

After I had shot my images, I saw that William Christenberry had some images that had a resemblance to the ones I had just taken.  He said that as photographer, he took photographs of things that stood out to him.  He recored something that was going to be changing through time. 

The fact the his images show, these old style wooden huts and houses, makes my images look quite similar.  Maybe the light and time I went wasn't the best, If I had gone round the back of the house once the sun was out, I could have had maybe better colouring in the images and could have displayed them similar to these images here. 

The fact that the roofs of the houses/huts in these images go to a point is what I noticed the most in these images along with mine.  There are a few images of mine that look similar.  The main different is that these images have a lot more space around them.  If my project was bigger I could show more back of house from say I completely different road, one of much smaller house and smaller gardens and the in contrast I could have taken a road with huge house and huge gardens. 

I like how my images do show the differences from one another, kind of similar to the four images on this post.  They are all similar and are all of the same topic of huts/houses along the road, but look very different from each other.  I likt that one image has a car in it, because the images I have taken show garages which have cars inside but, the cars were not visible. 

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