Here are the final 8 images that I have chosen to show, I know I should technically be cutting two more images away from this set, but I wanted to put all of them in because, one of my main ideas for this project was to show the differences between each other the behind the house's and my aim was to see how different they are to see if could say something about the people that own the property.
I have called this series "Same so Different" because each made man, garage and fence, was placed where the owner of the house wanted it. I like that they are each different, I know some areas of new house's which all have the exact same garage space and back of house that they all look too similar, with these, you really see how some people need big garages and other do not really have a garage but a shed or tool shed. I do think that they lack 'something' that I think they need, but they are a group of totally deadpan images which is what I wanted.
I like how some of the images that I have chosen seem to have the neglected effect to them. There is Graffiti on a few of the wall and doors, but this gives the impression and idea, that family's try so hard to make the front of their house look good so that visitors get a good first impression, but it makes me question, if these images were displayed in a panorama similar to Ed Ruscha's sunset strip, would it make them want to spend some time sorting out the back of the house ? Probably not because it is the back of the house and no one really needs to see it. I do like this short series of images but I do believe I could have worked a lot harder on actually producing the final images themselves.
I have a final 8 here, so technically need to take out two images, if I were to take some out it would be the two bottom row right images. because they are the images that do not have an actual garage in frame and therefore are the different ones.
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