Sunday, 13 January 2013

The Same but Different

I have decided that which ever project idea that I decide to stick with I am going to make sure I have the same theme throughout each of the images.  I want to explore more into different subject, something that I do not usually do.  I would also like to stay with a similar idea to the body and the deadpan portrait, whilst I also look into Landscapes too.

Most of the work I have seen so far in the lecture have been landscapes, I would like to work with something similar.  Some of the projects I have been shown are of the same thing throughout for example, Gasoline Stations in America, this is a project done so many times not, but the interesting thins is - the subject and topic area of gasoline stations stays the same, but each of the images are completely different because all the stations are different - this is the idea that I am going to stick with which ever project I decide on.

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