Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Bernd and Hilla Becher

Bernd and Hilla Becher, are used one hell of a lot in this type of photography.  But are perfect for my research into the same but different.  These two travelled around to different countries to make sure they got a photograph of each 'same thing'.  For example, the water towers which are probably their most famous. They almost look like it is the same image because it is of the 'same' thing.  What I like about this work is that, because they are different you only notice from tiny little things like a darker shade or a different fence to tell, but it does make you check that each one is different and then you look at what is different in each image. 
This form of photography moves away from the subjective and sentimental and devise a form of honesty in them.  You know that because every one is a different look but the same subject, it then makes you know that they are in different places and therefore know that it is a honest document. The way that these are so very much similar and the way that each group of images are used together as grid makes me wonder than any subject that I use for my images could work to a degree.  I would have to make sure the subject in all of my images are the same and only have slight differences.  
The document as imagery is something that will always be around in todays world and is how everything started out.  I know that by taking the same subject matter and re shooting the in the exact same way but of different versions of the subject matter will document each as a complete unique thing.  So even if the images do look exactly the same, that particular image is technically a unique document. 

The bechers, shot all of these images on a large format camera and made sure they were all shot in Autumn or spring to get the best and brightest natural exposure for the images. A very light grey but very bright, so that every detail was shown.  I do really like this work and the more and more I think about subject for 'the same but different' it makes me wonder about all the things that are the same.  I want to find a subject that most people have but keep in a completely different way.

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